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“But what can mortal man do to secure his own salvation” Mortal man can do just what God bids him do. He can repent and believe. He can arise and follow Christ just as Matthew did.” Washington Gladden
God has a plan for your personal life and wants to save your soul giving you the gift of eternal salvation. Jesus is the answer! The Christian faith is unique, not because it recognizes man’s problems and needs. It recognizes that man cannot do anything by himself to solve the problem or meet the need. God did it!
Jesus Christ is the center of history. His compassion for spiritually fallen human is beyond human understanding. Luke 23:33-34. “And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, they crucified him . . .”The Cross of Jesus is the most important supernatural event since God created the World is for God.
“Now once at the end of the ages, He has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself,” (Heb. 9:26).
The Cross is also center of our faith. Unless we have seen the truth and experienced the power of the Cross, we have not yet come to know the saving grace of Jesus in our lives. The meaning of the Cross is to experience the liberating effect of God’s power in our own life. Jesus Christ is God and died for us!
“For the preaching of the cross is them that perish foolishness: but unto us which are saved it is the power of God,” (1Cor. 1:18).
Paul says, “Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ, Who gave Himself for our sins that He might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father, (Gal. 1:3,4).
Clearly, the New Testament teaches that you must lay claim on the achievements and provisions that come from the cross; and made real in us by the present workd of the Holy Spirit. Faith is laying claim to what the Father offers us through the sacrifice of His Son. The belief and recognition that God now send His Holy Spirit to bring to us, is at the heart of our faith in Jesus. God sends His Spirit to bring to us in an immediate and personal way the full virtue of Calvary.
Jesus Penn Lewis writes: “Let us get hold of the fact of the Calvary victory, and of the truth that Satan is a conquered foe.
- Christ conquered him at Calvary.
- When you stand on (Rom 6), reckoning the old life crucified, your spirit becomes joined to Christ, “joined to the Lord, one spirit!”
- You are not going out against a great and terrible spirit-foe alone.
- Your spirit “joined to the Lord” is “one spirit” with Him. Christ is the Conqueror, and you are joined in one Spirit with the Conqueror!”
It is the application of the Cross into your life and experienced through faith that the blessings arrive into your life.