End times (Page 11)

How to Bind and Loose Equipped for Spiritual Warfare Part One

Conquering Authority



Christians must be prepared and equipped for spiritual warfare. From the earliest times men wore and used devices for the protection of the body in battle.

The Apostle Paul spoke of the armor in a figurative sense, with reference to righteousness as a protection to the follower of God against the assaults of evil or temptation. They take upon themselves the whole armor of God, Helmet, Salvation; Breastplate, Righteousness; Girded Loins, Truth; Shod Feet; Shield, Faith, (Eph. 6:13-17), shows what wonderful provisions’ God has made for His warriors.

  • Christians must be on the defensive, (Matt. 26:41).
  • You must be anointed! (Matt. 3:16),
  • You must fast! (Matt. 4:2).
  • You must quote the Word! (Matt. 4:4, 7, 10).
  • You must command the devil in the Name of Jesus! (Matt. 4:10).
  • You are the one that has to drive the devil to flight, (Jam. 4:7).

Jesus said in (Matt. 12:23-33). Satan is not going to allow anyone to destroy his work without putting up very strong counteraction. His control must first be neutralized before Christians can release his captives.

Jesus asks this penetrating question, “How can anyone enter a strongman’s house and carry off his possession unless he first ties up the strongman?” Then Jesus told us that we could enter his house. (Matt. 12:29). The King James Bibles reads, “bind the strongman.” Indeed, binding the strong man is the first basic PRINCIPLE of spiritual warfare. In fact, before any warfare opposing powers and principalities and wicked rulers and evil spirits can be won to release the nation, cities, individual, family, the strongman must be defeated, (Matt. 18: 18. 19. 20).

Once Satan’s power is bound, Jesus enters freely enters into his house and carries off Satan’s possessions. The territory is delivered and Satan loses control. The Greek word for spoil occurs in two forms, Diapazo and harapzo, which means “an intensive spoiling, plunder and snatching away.”

Deceiving Evil Spirits attacking the Church of Jesus Christ

Christians with Demonic Problems



There is an alarming onslaught of deceiving spirits attacking the Church of Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul reveals these special manifestations of evil spirits through prophecies that point to the deception of Christian believers in the latter times. These deceptions are showing up in the supernatural realms. Many are following teaching ministers that are sending forth an army of teaching spirits that are leading people away from their biblically based spiritual knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Nevertheless, spiritual blindness and through lack of knowledge, many are not able to carry out a full war against this army of wicked spirits. Many are shrinking from the subject of demons and call the war against them not credible. They believe that if Jesus Christ is preached, it is not necessary to give attention to the existence of the devil. They think that they can ignore him. (Jam. 4:7-8), “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”

Many Christians have never been taught the power of Jesus Christ. They believe that they never enter into direct conflict with Satan and his hosts. The church has actually been blinded by the powers of darkness and multitudes are being bound. Scriptural answers are not practiced in the lives of the people.

The clash between Satan and Jesus Son of God in the first Gospel is an ongoing one. Satan is characterized as “the strong man” and Jesus, the Son of God, in that He casts out demons by the Holy Spirit and brings people into the sphere of God’s reign, as one who “binds” him and “plunders his goods” (Matt. 12; 28-29 cf. also 8:39). Conversely, Satan and those who do his bidding are depicted as doing violence to the kingdom of heaven as “plundering” it (Matt. 11:12). A case in point, is Satan’s enlistment of Peter in an effort to put Jesus at cross-purposes with his Father and to turn him away from the path that leads to the cross, (Matt. 16:21-23).

Jesus Christ’s Spiritual Death-Worldly Materialism and Strange Doctrines

Believers and the Power of God



On every side there are leaders of the professing Christian Church who are soft peddling the real issues of our faith. The children of God must now know these dangers for their own safety, especially these Christians who only play games, searching out teachers who will “tickle their ears.” Many Christians are occupied by worldly materialism while many strange new doctrines are being held up as having the power of God.

The church should beware of putting its faith in strange idols, i.e., Christian stars! So-called Christians want to be entertained! Meanwhile, a grave heresy attacks the Church with a sacrilegious teaching known as “Jesus Christ’s Spiritual Death.” Satan uses blinded,greedy, materialistic ministers, such as Kenneth Copeland and Kenneth Hagan to disseminate these doctrines of devils to thousands of other ministers.

Contending for the Faith

The Holy Spirit will Dwell in You


Jude 3-4, — “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. 4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.”

There is an intensified state of apostasy with men and women’s blasphemous denial of the Lord Jesus Christ by the globalist. They deny His Deity; virgin birth; vicarious death; victorious resurrection; glorious reign at the right hand of God and His coming again for His church.

The Bible tells us to earnestly “content for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” You must challenge false prophets and literally struggle for the truth of Jesus and the faith revealed unto the Apostles holding to the fundamental truths of God’s Word.

Rom 10:17, — “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

Heb 11:6, — “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”