End times (Page 21)

Pastor Evelyn Kanco from Ghana at Miracle Church

Pastor Evelyn Kanco is a powerful woman of God. Mother of three, she has planted more than 600 churches in Africa. Pastor Evelyn was born a Princess, her father being a mayor of a village. In later years she became a Muslim student in college when she suddenly went blind. Some Christians took her to a local Full Gospel Businessmen’s meeting where a tall former Witchdoctor was ministering. When Vagalas Kanco prayed for her, she received her sight. Against her families’ advice, she married this poor street preacher. Pastor Evelyn’s testimony is in the “Witchdoctor and the Man Finds Jesus.” You can find this book here: The Witchdoctor and the Man. Meanwhile, watch one of God’s chosen woman vessels powerfully preach His Word.

Subliminal messages to your children

Parents must be vigilant. Satan’s aim is to grab the mind of your child and then steal the child’s soul forever.

Children are perishing for the lack of knowledge of parents and Christian ministers. Many are ignorant of the role toys,cartoons and movies play in a child’s life. One toy manufacturer has announced new toys that will interact with the television cartoons. Have you ever noticed that glazed, hypnotic stare that comes into your child’s eyes while watching television? This interacting toy will totally control your child’s mind. The news media announced that the human ear would not be able to hear the commands given to the toys from the cartoons but the toys would be triggered to interact with the TV action. This proves that cartoonists are probably already embedding subliminal messages to the minds of your children.

Called subliminal Projection by New Age prophet, Aldous Leonard Huxley in his Utopian book, Brave New World & Brave New World Revisited:

“subliminal projection means an image presented to the sight or words to the hearing for a matter of microseconds and superimposed upon visual or auditory entertainment. What is seen or heard in that lightning like interval lodges in the subconscious and tends to be a powerful influence on subsequent behavior.”

Discerning the Truth

Christian discernment means the ability to “approve the things that are excellent,” or, more literally, to “distinguish between the thing that differs.”

Two thousand years ago the apostle Paul was greatly concerned about Christian discernment, he wrote: “And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve the things that are excellent, in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ; having been filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God,” (Phil. 1:9-11). Paul shows in this Scripture the need for the Saints to have the quickness to sense the true spiritual situation which exists. In these latter days, it is imperative that we as Christians have the ability to make wise choices among all the correct Biblical alternatives.

“Am I a sea, or a whale, that Thou settest a watch over me?” (Job 7:12).

The Church is the dwelling place of God

We should consider that of the one hundred and fifteen times the word “church” is mentioned in the New Testament, ninety times it refers to a local congregation of baptized believers covenanted together as the Body of Christ. Jesus is the foundation of this church, and every other New Testament church.

The church is referred to as “the Body of Christ” of Jesus Christ is shown as stated: “And he is the head of the body, the church, with church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have preeminence,” (I Cor. 1:18), the church is also shown as the dwelling place for God. The Holy Spirit indwells permanently each Christian and the corporate body of Christians in the church.The Greek word for “church” is “ekklesia.” It means, “A group of people called from their homes or places of business to assemble together.”