Podcasts (Page 16)

Imagination Gates Mind Control


No nation which denies the true God has, or ever will, successfully endure. So therefore if America falls, we can anticipate far reaching global repercussions, not only economically and politically, but more so spiritually. In a world of spiritual darkness, man will attempt to guide himself by the satanic constellations of secular humanism, New Age religions, atheism, eastern mysticism, and occultism. America stands as the last tower of strength of true Biblical Christianity. It is becoming a weakening spiritual lighthouse in a global storm of confusion.There is an answer, however, for the world, both individually and collectively, which is a spiritual rebirth through the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.

A Christian tells me of a young ten-year-old girl that is now seeing spooky spiritual things in her room. After taking her to see the Chronicles, her Christian mother does not believe her. The answer to the problem was to send her daughter to a doctor and fill her up with drugs.

Bondages Associated with Occult Jewelry


Deliverance ministers should always be aware of occult charms and religious jewelry. Demons can hold people in slavery by these means. Recently a lady came for deliverance and also had different kinds of hippie bead jewelry.“Where did you get this beaded jewelry?”, I asked. The woman replied, " I work in a shop and the owner says she is an ascended master (High order of New Age Witchcraft). This owner also prays everyday over her articles”. After the woman was asked to remove the necklace, bracelet, earrings, rings, toe rings and anklet, were able to free her from the evil spirits that had enslaved her!

Amulets formed part of the trappings that Jacob commanded his household to put away (Gen 35:4). The most fanciful and superstitious notions have prevailed respecting the marvelous powers of gems. The gem appropriate for a particular month was worn as an amulet during the month and was supposed to exert mysterious control in reference to beauty, health, riches, and so forth. One’s person and house were thought to be protected from malignant influences by holy inscriptions placed upon the door. The existence of such a custom is implied in the attempt of Moses to turn them to a proper use by directing that certain passages of the law should be employed, (Exo. 13:9,16; Deut. 6:9; 11:18), “to look at and remember all the commandments of the Lord, so as to do them” (Num. 15:39).

The Supremacy of Jesus


God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high (Hebrews 1:1-3).

  • Jesus Christ alone “the treasures of wisdom and knowledge … are hid,” (Col. 2:3)
  • Born again Believers are “complete in him, which is the head of all principalities and power,” (Col. 2:10)
  • free and blessed in “His redemption” Who is the “propitiation for our sins,” (Rom. 3:24-25 — 1 Jn. 2:2; 4:10)
  • appreciate and delight in Christ’s name, life, power, and superiority, as the only “Head,” “high priest,” and Mighty “Potentate” or Supreme Ruler of His eternal kingdom
  • All posing as such improperly raise themselves as they seek to steal His glory are brazen wolves, thieves, counterfeit, and altogether false (Matt. 7:15-20; 24:5, 11, 24; Jn. 10:1; Col. 2:4-19; Heb. 3:1; 2 Jn. 7-11).

Esoteric Mysticism and Hypnosis with Satanic Music and Contemporary Prayers


Soaking prayer ~Satanic music: Can refer to: Meditation with Live Music — Repetitive chanting, breathing in a controlled manner or silent concentration to quiet the thoughts and feelings and commune with God. Infused contemplation, for many writers, the sole sense of the term; Acquired contemplation, also known as “Prayer of Simplicity”.

“What is soaking prayer?”

Since the 1990s there has been an increased focus on mysticism within various divisions of Christianity. The esoteric of these mystical experiences expands the division between a “trusting faith” and a “flesh felt faith,” and replacing sound biblical teaching with sensational, emotional, motivated response. Soaking prayer is one of spiritual, mystical movement and is explained as resting in God’s presence. This is accomplished by playing some gentle worship songs, either sitting or lying down, and praying short, simplistic prayers for an extended period of time, but otherwise keeping your mind free of other thoughts. This is the recipe of every hypnotist, first empty your minds and then a demonic presence will fill it.

At the point when you feel God’s presence through a manifestation like tingling skin, a sensation of heat or cold, or even a gentle wind seemingly blowing through your body, then you just soak” in an unidentified presence. Forget the biblical challenge to “Test the spirits.” When soaking prayer is examined accordingly, we find that it comes up wanting for biblical support for inviting God’s presence but one can find these techniques in occult activity. Nowhere in the Bible can a model of prayer be found that soaking prayer follows.