Dr Pat Holliday, Ph.D

                        In memorium

Pat Holliday has now gone on to her reward with Jesus on 6-14-2019.  Pat has spent several decades in selfless effort to help people find deliverance in Jesus Christ.  This is the report of her last words, spoken just before her departure to go home:  She got to see the Throne of God and said it was worth it – all His power, His love, His mercy, His grace, His glory is worth it all she could hear murderers praying and crying out for forgiveness.  She could hear all the prayers that were going to the throne of God.  She could hear devils screaming in terror as He would put them in hell before their time.  She said our flesh is weak and our righteousness is like filthy rags – it’s only the blood of Jesus that justifies us.  She prayed for all of us before the throne of God before she left.  

Welcome to Miracle Internet Church!

We are so happy to have you as a member of our steadily growing and exciting, world-wide Christian ministry Miracle Internet Church.
Patricia Holliday, Ph.D., Senior Pastor of Miracle Internet Church was called into the ministry in 1975 and has ministered worldwide.  Dr. Holliday received her Ph.D. at Southeastern Theology Seminary, 1993.  Pastor Pat is the President of Miracle Outreach Ministry in Jacksonville Florida and also appears on much international television and radio shows.
Miracle Outreach Ministries is an international ministry. Miracles, signs and wonders, healing, and deliverance follow this ministry. Her latest evangelistic trips include Ghana West Africa, Italy, and Jamaica where many miracles happened.
Among her many activities:
  • She ran for the Florida State House of Representatives in 1972.
  • She was elected State Committee Woman for her part and is a lobbyist in Tallahassee.
  • She was a founding member and has officiated in many women’s groups; Minute women of Florida; the Ponte Vedra Woman’s Club; and the Four Foundation Inc., a home for non-delinquent girls in Duval County.
  • She helped to organize two woman’s interdenominational fellowship
  • Professor in Southeastern Theological Seminary of Jacksonville, Florida for 8 years.
Dr. Holliday, is listed in  Who’s Who of  the Woman of the World;  Who’s Who in America Politics; Dictionary of International Biography; Marquis Who’s Who in the South and Southwest – Marquis  Who’s Who of American Women and Who’s Who in American Religion Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who in the World.
Dr. Holliday is also a member of the International Platform Committee as a noted lecturer.  Pastor Pat founded Miracle Outreach Church, a street church that feeds and clothes the poor in Jacksonville, Florida. Miracle Outreach Church is 28 years old and is a miracle-deliverance-teaching, family oriented church.


Pastor Holliday believes that there is a spiritual need to meet Christian people who need spiritual ministry and Biblical truth and minister to them. Miracle Ministry’s web site shows millions of sheep who have no shepherd. Millions have been driven out of their fellowships by blinded pastors who are no longer teaching the Bible and because certain people who were raised on the Word of God cannot agree with their apostasy, they are put out of the church. Others simply left the lifeless, apostatized churches that are presently running with the spirit of the world; drowning with bewitching spirits. These people are not looking for a “purpose in life”; they have found HIM . . . JESUS!
Pastor Holliday’s phone rings and people from around America are telling her that they cannot find a true Bible Believing church in their town. Some are confused; others are wounded; while many are sick and a few were actually demon possessed. Pastor Holliday has seen the Lord Jesus minister the Word, heal their minds and bodies, pray with them for their lost family members and deliver them from demonic oppression. Jesus is everywhere and we discovered He can touch people as surely as He does in our local fellowship.
Moreover, we at Miracle Internet Church believe that you need church fellowship and spirit-filled Biblical anointed teaching. People that have called for prayer and spiritual advice from Pastor Pat say, “I wish that I lived in Jacksonville, Florida, I’d come to your church!”
We believe that we can help you to learn truth and fellowship with the Saints by developing this interactive Church site. With Jesus at the center and committed Pastors and Saints, we can reach more souls for Jesus.
Then too, people are asking for spiritual materials. We have thousands of mp3’s and DVD’s; many must be converted to put on our web church. We believe that we can do this work with your help.
Jesus wept over Jerusalem because he saw the people as having no shepherd and then He warned in the latter days there would be a great falling away from the truth just before he returns. Jesus is coming soon!
2 Thess. 2:3, “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.” KJV

Books written by Dr. Pat Holliday

Holliday for the King;  Be Free;  Born Anew; The Walking Dead;  Signs Wonders & Reactions;  The Solitary Satanist;  Marriage Answers; New World Aftershock; New Age Humanism”; and Entertaining Angels of Light; Can Women Preach? ;  Spiritual Warfare Armor; Spiritual Warfare Amour; Spiritual Warfare Weapons; Battling Territorial Spirits; Transference of Spirits; Transference of Spirits; Devils Believe and Tremble”; Experiencing Jesus; The Witch Doctor and the Man — Fourth Generation Witch Doctor Finds Christ! Dancing On the Edge of Hell; Experiencing Jesus; Deliverance Manual Vol. I &2 & 3; Family Deliverance Manual; Steps to Fasting; Spirit of Idolatry; Is Halloween Pagan?; New Creation;  From Curses to Blessing Vol. 1, 2 & 3; Angel Fire; New Age Messiah; Baptism of the Holy Spirit; Women Messengers of Jesus Christ; Gods of the Stars; Healing is for Today; How to Be Born Again; Living on the Edge of Hell. Can Witches be Saved? And Born Anew. Angel in the Whirlwind, Can Women Preach? Age of Aquarius, Breaking Free, Charts Schizophrenia MPD/SRA Mind Control, Children of the New Age, Christians and the Occult, Chronicles of Narnia, Computer Games – Sci-Fi Demons Attacking Children, COMPUTER GAMES, Computer Warfare – Charts, Computer Warfare – Charts, Deliverance Manual Vol.1, Deliverance Manual Vol.2, Deliverance Manual Vol.3, Deliverance/Schizophrenia/MPD, Demons Believe and Tremble, Emotional Healing /Perilous Times, Entertaining Angels of Light – Rebecca Brown Yoder, Evangelizing the New Age, Family Deliverance Charts, Fasting, Free from Demons, Free from Demons, From Curses to Blessings – Vol. 1, From Curses to Blessings – Vol. 2, From Curses to Blessings – Vol. 3, Giant Chasers, Gods of the Stars, Healing and Miracles, How To Cast Out Demons, Inner Healing, Is Halloween Pagan?, Marine Demons Under the Sea,  Marriage and Sex, Marriage and Sex Charts, Mind Handlers, New Age Messiah, New Creations, New World Religion, Old Gods Idolatry, Orwellian Nightmare, Power of Deliverance, Power of The Force, Praying Warriors and the Holy Spirit, SEXUAL MAGIC~ INCUBUS, SUCCUBE ~ ASMODEUS, OSMODEUS, Sins of the Nation, Solitary Satanist, Soterology, Spirit of Idolatry, Spirit of Parapsychology, Spiritual Warfare Manual set, The Bridegroom, The Puppet Masters, Transference of Spirits, Warfare Strategies Manual, Witchcraft and Deliverance, You Can Be Free.
This website will be dedicated to you; for your comments or communicating with members around the globe.  We have Christian brothers and sisters on every continent in the world and serving them as pastors will be our joy, love and passion.
Our work for Jesus at Miracle Internet Church will involve many facets.  We wish to offer you good solid Biblically based Christian teachings and fellowship.   In closing, we would love to hear from you and I look forward to developing a long and lasting, honest and wholesome friendship with you.  Now, shall we love one another as Christ Jesus has loved us?
Our Founder, Mother, Teacher, Pastor, and Kingdom Builder, Dr. Pat Holliday transitioned to her heavenly home on June 14, 2019. We thank you for your continual support of this ministry.   Serving Our Lord Jesus Christ, Pastor Sabrina Sessions, Ph D.