Spiritually cleaning your home or office


“When you go into battle in your own land against an enemy who is oppressing you, sound a blast on the trumpets. Then you will be remembered by the Lord your God and rescued from your enemies,” (Num.10:9).


Your house must be cleaned from articles, occult jewelry, occult books, etc., for you to enjoy complete freedom. Spiritual house cleaning should be done by anointing with olive oil in the name of Jesus. Jesus taught us that we have the power to bind demonic spirits. Binding and commanding all powers of darkness to leave is shown in (Matt. 18:18).When driving evils spirits out, anoint the doorways, windows, discard all statues and images of animals. Many unknowingly invite demonic attack by dabbling in jewelry with occult symbolism and power.

In the cause of objects dedicated to demons (idols, artifacts, etc.), the best course of action is to destroy them. Moreover, one should check secondhand cars, homes, and apartments also. This precaution is mainly due to the former owners may have had a Ouija board, occult paraphernalia, or were involved in serious bondage to sin. In these cases there is every reason to suspect that evil spirits may be lingering behind. These spirits can and will cause trouble to the new owners. Additionally, keep in mind that any prayers offered to anyone or anything, other gods, than the Father, through the name of Jesus, the Son constitutes prayers and/or worship to demons. Very often these are answered in the form of curses, for demons can and do respond to those who request of them. Also, if you are aware of demonic prayers against your family, break the curses placed against you in the name of Jesus.

We always suggest that two believers go on a mission such as this with The Bible in hand. The following should be destroyed:

  • Look for little Mexican sun gods, idols, incense
  • Buddha, hand-carved object from Africa or the Orient, Ouija Boards
  • anything connected with astrology; horoscopes, and fortune telling, and so on
  • Books or objects associated with witchcraft, good luck charms, or the cult religious (Metaphysics, Christian Science, Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc.)
  • Rock and roll records and tapes all fall in the category of things which have been often loaded with evil spiritual power.

Verbally denounce Satan and his power, and all of his demon hosts and claim authority as a believer-priest because of the name of Jesus Christ and the authority of His shed blood. (There is more power in the spoken word.) Some Scripture which has proven useful in this includes: (Rev. 12:11; 22:3; Gol. 2:14-15; Gal. 3:13; Deut. 21:23, 32:5; Num. 23-8, II Sam. 7:29).Read these scriptures out loud in the house. In some cases the door lintel and window sills have been anointed by touching them with olive oil. Other things such as statues have been so anointed in Jesus Name and many times the demonic power is checked or destroyed. Any specific areas of demonic activity or influence of which you are aware should be denounced by name, (Prov. 3:33).