'Miracles in the Old Testament' tagged posts

Miracles in the Old Testament


If God gave this gift to Old Testament and New Testament Saints, why would he take this gift from today’s church?

(Acts 10:34), “Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons.” The devil is still around today.

Old Testament Miracles

  • David said in (Psa. 103:3), “Bless the Lord . . . and forget not all His Benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases.”
  • Healing is still consider a benefit by those who needed it and will accept Christ’s healing touch!

Moses and Aaron:

  • Rod made serpent, (Ex. 4:3; 7:10).
  • Rod Restored, (Ex. 4:4).
  • Hands (Aaron & Marian) made leprous, (Ex. 4:6,7).
  • Water turned into blood, (Ex. 4:9, 30).
  • River Into blood, (Ex. 7:20).
  • Frogs, (Ex. 8:6, 13).
  • Flies, (Ex. 8:21, 31.Boils, (Ex. 9:10).
  • Locusts, (Ex. 10:13, 9).
  • Darkness, (Ex. 10:22).
  • First born destroyed, (Ex. 12:29).
  • Sea divided, (Ex. 14:21).
  • Egyptians overwhelmed, (Ex. 14:26-29).
  • Water sweetened, (Ex. 15:25).
  • Water from rock, (Ex. 17:6).
  • Amalek vanquished, (Ex. 17:11).
  • Destruction of Korah, (Nu. 16:32).
  • Water from rock in Kadesh, (Nu.20: 11).
  • Brazen Serpent, (Nu. 21:8).
  • Aaron’s rod blossoms, (Nu. 17:8).


  • Jordan divided, (Jos. 3).
  • Jericho taken. (Jos. 6).
  • Sun and moon Stayed, (Jos. 10:12).


  • Lion Slain, (Jud. 14:6).
  • Philistines Killed, (Jud. 14:19).
  • Dagon’s house down, (Jud. 16:30).


  • Thunder and rain, (I Sam. 12:18).

Prophet of Judah.

  • Jeroboam’s hand withered, (I Kgs. 13:4).
  • Altar rent, (I Kgs. 13).
  • Hand restored, (I Kgs. 13:6).
  • Elijah

    • Drought, (I Kgs. 17:1; Jam. 5:17).
    • Meal and oil multiplied, (I Kgs. 17:14).
    • Child restored to life, (I Kgs. 17:22).
    • Sacrifice consumed by fire (I Kgs. 18:38).
    • Captains and men slain by fire; (2 Kgs. 1:10).
    • Rain induced, (I Kgs. 18; 41).
    • Waters of Jordan divided, (2 Kgs. 2:8).