'sins of the flesh' tagged posts

Deliverance is a Lifestyle with Jesus at the Center

Authorities and Powers


We may become like Jesus by making him the center of one’s’ life. This ministry is not about chasing and looking for demons. It is a ministry of seeking Jesus and exalting His power over the over our live and having compassion for those who are entangled by the powers of darkness.

If the problem is caused by the person’s submission to the sins of the flesh, then counsel must direct that person to commitment to the Lord and His Word. If it’s a demon, then we must cast it out. Obviously correct diagnosis is of major importance. We must discern what we are dealing with each case. Is the problem being caused by oppression of the flesh? If this is the reason, then we must counsel the person to totally commit his or her life to Jesus Christ.

“And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts,” (Gal. 5:24).

If it a question of demon possession, then we must cast it out.

“For he said unto him, Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit.”(Mk. 5,8, 16:17).