Foundation (Page 9)

Does Paul Object To Women Prophesying Or Praying? Pt. 1

“Let the women keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak, but let them subject themselves, just as the law says. And if they desire to learn anything, let thorn ask their own husbands at home; for it is improper for a woman to speak in church.” I Cor. 14:34.35.

It is so important not to lift these or any other verses out of their immediate context. First of all. Note that one of Paul’s primary concerns in this chapter was to deal with the problem of confusion (14:33) and disorder (14:40). The same verb which in verse 34 is translated “keep silent” is also directed towards some who were misusing tongues (14:28) and prophecy (14:30). It is apparent that one of the sources of confusion and disorder in Corinth was certain women creating some kind of disturbance in the assembly of believers.

We can only conjecture about the details of the original situation. Perhaps women who had been involved in various pagan religions had come to Christ and become part of the Corinthian congregation. Female deities were a part of these religions (see Acts 19:24-28) and women were often made spectacles in their rites. Such women would have had to learn to behave differently in the assembly of believers or perhaps there were uneducated women, both Gentile and Jew, who were constantly asking others out loud to explain what was going on or being taught (see verse 35). In any case, their speech was out of order!

Christian Women’s Isolation Discrimination

Notwithstanding the secular women’s movement of today, what is going on in the Christian Church?

When I became a Christian in the seventies, the most shocking thing that I discovered was the fact that the Church was a boiling pot of discrimination! I guess that pastors were trying to do everything that they could to keep the secular, rebellious women’s revolution out of the church. Conservative Christian women were being told, “Just submit to your husband, no matter what kind of life he leads and everything will work out.” Many women began to submit to ungodly men and were being abused by them. Many were submitting to every evil thing under the sun that was asked of them by unconverted men. Every single family problem was said to be happening because the women were rebellious.

I remember ministering in a church during the seventies and the associate pastor made broad statements to the women to “submit to your husbands, period.” When I asked him should a women submit totally to unbelieving man who might ask her to go to the bar, should she submit to him? He answered, “Yes!” What if a woman’s husband asked his wife to submit to a wife swapping situation, should she submit to her husband? He replied, “Yes,” I said to him, “I totally disagree to these ungodly teachings. The Bible says that women should submit to their husband, as unto the Lord.” Little did I realize that many male ministers were interpreting this Scripture as “the Lord” begins the husband and not Jesus being the Lord! This pastor said to me. Who are you that you should question me? The associate pastor exclaimed authoritatively, “the woman must submit, even to a wife swapping situation!”I replied, “Pastor, the Bible says that God’s people should be holy as God is holy. You are telling these women to do unholy things because their unbelieving husbands tell them to sin with him.”

Satan’s Chief Weapon to Snare the Believer


“And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light,” (Romans 13:11-12).

Is there a planned conspiracy attacking the Christian Church to change its agenda for spreading the gospel message of Jesus Christ? The Bible tells us yes, Satan wants to conquer every Christian turning their loyalty to his New Age schemes to transform their souls to the powers of the world and new concepts of faith.

The enemy has successfully placed fifth column agents in every level of the church. A fifth column is a group of people who clandestinely undermine a larger group from within to aid an external enemy. These secret agents successfully won great victories when they stole the Word of God as the central thoughts of the foundation of the Christian Church. They simply replace The Word with counterfeit Bibles and removed the central themes concerning Jesus by changing words or leaving entire scriptures’ out.

Demonstrations of the Power of God part one two


“Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature. . . “ (Col. 1:15).

Who is the image of the invisible God as it is in the corresponding to Eph. 1-39-23, gives the analysis of the exaltation of Jesus the Redeemer. Jesus is the visable representation of the invisible God. .He represents to human beings the excellence of God as a figure Who was forgiving and desired that no one perish.

John 3:16-18, — “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”

The blood of Jesus, covers your sin. God sent Him to save you from Hell and that you can enjoy everlasting life with God. Now dear friend, if there had been another way to salvation, God would have never sent Jesus to die in your place. His purpose was not to condemn the world but through Jesus could be rescued from the powers of the Devil.It is simple, God’s provision for your salvation is your will to choose Jesus by receiving his free gift of deliverance from the hands of Satan.
The entire world is in a ruinous state of elimination from God’s forgiveness and about to perish to everlasting judgment of God. Apart from God’s redemption powers of Jesus’sacrificial gift for those who receive Him, every soul is on a course of utter destruction. The sacrifice of Jesus is the only means by which the redemption of humans can be effected and is absolutely sufficient to accomplish Gods design for rescuing humankind.